No Matches
Left Panel

The left Panel provides a table of contents and selection tools for the Workspace. The Panel consists of

  1. Zoom to Content button
  2. Flow visualization selections
  3. Nodes
  4. Selection

Zoom to Content

Button that allows for zooming and centering the Workspace to all content equally.

Flow visualization

Three checkboxes that allow for

  • Show Callback Flow: Displays dots along flow connections the the Flow is running
  • Show Notify Flow: Displays dots for other Pin types (see Demo Node)
  • Show Queue size on pins: Displays the size queued on a Pin (F,P,0-...)


The Nodes section lists all Nodes currently placed in the Workspace. It shows their ID (number) and status (color). Clicking on the Node will zoom and highlight it in the Workspace and vice versa.


The Selection section shows all selected Nodes or connections with their ID. The Deselect-Button allows to deselect all.

Last updated: 2024-01-31