Global Gui Actions.
Go to the source code of this file.
bool | NAV::gui::canCutOrCopyFlowElements () |
| Checks if elements can be cutted/copied.
bool | NAV::gui::canPasteFlowElements () |
| Checks if elements can be pasted.
bool | NAV::gui::canRedoLastAction () |
| Checks if an action can be redone.
bool | NAV::gui::canUndoLastAction () |
| Checks if an action can be undone.
void | NAV::gui::clearLastActionList () |
| Clears the list of last actions.
void | NAV::gui::copyFlowElements () |
| Copies the currently selected elements.
void | NAV::gui::cutFlowElements () |
| Cuts the currently selected elements.
void | NAV::gui::pasteFlowElements () |
| Pastes the copied/cutted elements.
void | NAV::gui::redoLastAction () |
| Redo the last action.
void | NAV::gui::saveLastAction () |
| Saves the last action to the action list.
void | NAV::gui::undoLastAction () |
| Undo the last action.
◆ GlobalActions
Possible Global Actions to perform in the GUI.
Enumerator |
None | None.
Quit | Quit the program.
QuitUnsaved | Quit the program without saving.
SaveAs | Save the flow as filename.
Clear | Clear the flow.
Load | Load a flow.
RunFlow | Run the flow.