No Matches
RinexObsLogger Node


The RinexObsLogger Node saves incoming observation data to a obs-file according to RINEX standards.


  • Input : The Node has a Flow input accepting GnssObs.
  • Output : The Node has no output connection: In the Settings the output file can be selected.


The Settings offer to enter a file path or choose one to save the csv-file generated.

Further, adjustment and changes to the generated obs-file can be made, but are not necessary. The changes only account for entries in the generated file that are neither automatically filled by the input (e.g. the observations) or INSTINCT (e.g. the program and its version).

For more details relate to the official documentation of RINEX files (e.g. http://acc.igs.org/, there for RINEX 3.04 http://acc.igs.org/misc/rinex304.pdf), the following section is only a summary.
  • General
    • Version: Select output version of the RINEX formatted file (currently only 3.04, note that depending on the version the settings may vary).
    • Run by / Creator /Agency: The Creator (agency) of the file, observer and agency.
  • Comments
    • Add: Adds a new comment line.
      • Enter a new comment.
      • Delete the comment line.
  • Marker
    • Type: Select the type of the marker, or set and individual.
    • User Type: Available if USER_DEFINED type is selected above. Allows to set an individual marker type.
    • Name /Number: Details of the marker.
  • Receiver
    • Name / Number / Version: Details of the receiver.
  • Antenna
    • Number / Type: Details of the Antenna.
    • Approx position XYZ: Show/Hide approximate position of antenna in XYZ.
    • Delta HEN: Antenna height and eccentricity in east and north.

Example Flow

If you don't know how to reproduce any of the explained steps, read the Getting Started first.

Required Nodes:

Required Data


Relative path, file included in INSTINCT


  1. Add both Nodes to your workspace and connect them.
  2. Open the RinexObsFile Node Settings:
    • Choose or copy the relative path of the INS_1581.19O file
  3. Open the RinexObsLogger Node Settings:
    • Choose a path and a file name to save your resulting obs-file.
  4. Try around with any input, e.g. your name, agency, add comments etc.
  5. Run the code, open your generated file and/or compare it with the input file.

Example of how the result should look like:

Last updated: 2024-03-18