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NAV::vendor::ublox::UbxNavPosllh Struct Reference

Geodetic Position Solution. More...

Public Attributes

uint32_t hAcc
 Horizontal accuracy estimate [mm].
int32_t height
 Height above ellipsoid [mm].
int32_t hMSL
 Height above mean sea level [mm].
uint32_t iTOW
 GPS time of week of the navigation epoch [ms]. See the description of iTOW for details.
int32_t lat
 Latitude [deg * 1e-7].
int32_t lon
 Longitude [deg * 1e-7].
uint32_t vAcc
 Vertical accuracy estimate [mm].

Detailed Description

Geodetic Position Solution.

See important comments concerning validity of position given in section Navigation Output Filters. This message outputs the Geodetic position in the currently selected ellipsoid. The default is the WGS84 Ellipsoid, but can be changed with the message UBX-CFG-DAT.

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