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NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs Struct Reference

Binary Group 6 – INS Outputs. More...

Public Attributes

Eigen::Vector3f accelEcef
 Compensated acceleration (ECEF)
vn::protocol::uart::InsGroup insField
 Available data in this struct.
InsStatus insStatus
 Ins Status.
Eigen::Vector3f linearAccelEcef
 Compensated linear acceleration (no gravity) (ECEF)
Eigen::Vector3f magEcef
 Compensated magnetic (ECEF)
Eigen::Vector3d posEcef
 Ins Position (ECEF)
Eigen::Vector3d posLla
 Ins Position (latitude, longitude, altitude)
float posU
 Ins Position Uncertainty.
Eigen::Vector3f velBody
 Ins Velocity (Body)
Eigen::Vector3f velEcef
 Ins Velocity (ECEF)
Eigen::Vector3f velNed
 Ins Velocity (NED)
float velU
 Ins Velocity Uncertainty.

Detailed Description

Binary Group 6 – INS Outputs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ accelEcef

Eigen::Vector3f NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::accelEcef

Compensated acceleration (ECEF)

The estimated acceleration (with gravity) reported in m/s^2, given in the Earth centered Earth fixed (ECEF) frame. The acceleration measurement has been bias compensated by the onboard INS filter. This measurement is attitude dependent, since the attitude is used to map the measurement from the body frame into the inertial (ECEF) frame. If the device is stationary and the INS filter is tracking, the measurement should be nominally equivalent to the gravity reference vector in the inertial frame (ECEF).

◆ insStatus

InsStatus NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::insStatus

Ins Status.

The INS status bitfield. See the INS Solution - LLA Register in the INS subsystem for more information on the individual bits in this field.

◆ linearAccelEcef

Eigen::Vector3f NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::linearAccelEcef

Compensated linear acceleration (no gravity) (ECEF)

The estimated linear acceleration (without gravity) reported in m/s^2, and given in the Earth centered Earth fixed (ECEF) frame. This measurement is attitude dependent as the attitude solution is used to map the measurement from the body frame into the inertial (ECEF) frame. This acceleration measurement has been bias compensated by the onboard INS filter, and the gravity component has been removed using the current gravity reference vector estimate. If the device is stationary and the onboard INS filter is tracking, the measurement will nominally read 0 in all three axes.

◆ magEcef

Eigen::Vector3f NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::magEcef

Compensated magnetic (ECEF)

The compensated magnetic measurement in the Earth centered Earth fixed (ECEF) frame, given in Gauss.

◆ posEcef

Eigen::Vector3d NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::posEcef

Ins Position (ECEF)

The estimated position given in the Earth centered Earth fixed (ECEF) frame, reported in meters.

◆ posLla

Eigen::Vector3d NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::posLla

Ins Position (latitude, longitude, altitude)

The estimated position given as latitude, longitude, and altitude given in [deg, deg, m] respectively.

◆ posU

float NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::posU

Ins Position Uncertainty.

The estimated uncertainty (1 Sigma) in the current position estimate, given in meters.

◆ velBody

Eigen::Vector3f NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::velBody

Ins Velocity (Body)

The estimated velocity in the body frame, given in m/s.

◆ velEcef

Eigen::Vector3f NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::velEcef

Ins Velocity (ECEF)

The estimated velocity in the Earth centered Earth fixed (ECEF) frame, given in m/s.

◆ velNed

Eigen::Vector3f NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::velNed

Ins Velocity (NED)

The estimated velocity in the North East Down (NED) frame, given in m/s.

◆ velU

float NAV::vendor::vectornav::InsOutputs::velU

Ins Velocity Uncertainty.

The estimated uncertainty (1 Sigma) in the current velocity estimate, given in m/s.

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