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Nodes Introduction


Nodes are the major part of Flow-based Programming and INSTINCT. These C++ objects perform different tasks, including reading/logging data and processing them.

Adding Nodes

As described in the Getting Started, a Node can be placed in the Workspace via right-click in the Workspace and select the wanted. They can be moved around by drag-and-drop.

Context Menu

To open the Context Menu, right-click the Node. It provides information and interaction details regarding the selected Node. These include:

  1. ID : The Nodes individual ID (different for each Node, even for multiple Nodes of the same type)
  2. Type : The type/name of the node, indicating its purpose
  3. Kind : Relevant for developers (in most cases: blueprint)
  4. Inputs : Number of input-Pins the Node has
  5. Outputs : Number of output-Pins the Node has
  6. State : State of the Node (Deinitialized, Initialized, Disabled)
  7. Mode : Mode the Node is running in (default: Real-time)
  8. Initialize : Initialize (only) the Node
    • Reinitialize : Reinitialize the Node if it is initialized before
  9. Deinitialize : Deinitialize (only) the Node
  10. Wake worker : Wakes the worker if it went to sleep (not relevant for basic users)
  11. Configure : Opens the Node Settings
  12. Disable : Disables the Node; Node will be ignored in the Flow
  13. Rename : Change the Nodes name - does not change the name displayed under 3. kind
  14. Delete : Removes the Node

Node Settings

By clicking the Configure button in the Context Menu, or double-(left)click on a Node, the Settings open. Here, necessary configurations have to be made, as described in Working with INSTINCT . Examples are:

  • Choose the file to read (Data Provider Nodes)
  • Choose the method, parameters etc. for a calculation (Data Processor Nodes)
  • Choose the name/folder for the file to store (Data Logger Nodes)

The Settings are individual for every Node depending on her purpose.

Connect Nodes

Nodes have Pins that need to be connected to other Nodes in order to build a working Flow. More about the types and how connecting them works can be found in Pins and Connections .

List of Nodes

For a list of all available Nodes, their Settings and examples, follow Node Guide .

Last updated: 2024-02-22