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NAV::vendor::emlid::ErbStat Struct Reference

Receiver Navigation Status This message contains status of Fix, its type and also the number of used satellites. More...

Public Attributes

uint8_t fixStatus
 Navigation Fix Status. If position and velocity are valid 0x01, else 0x00.
uint8_t fixType
 GPSfix type: 0x00 – no Fix, 0x01 – Single, 0x02 – Float, 0x03 – RTK Fix.
uint32_t iTOW
 GPS time of week of the navigation epoch [ms]. See the description of iTOW for details.
uint8_t numSV
 Number of used SVs.
uint16_t weekGPS
 GPS week number of the navigation epoch [weeks].

Detailed Description

Receiver Navigation Status This message contains status of Fix, its type and also the number of used satellites.

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