No Matches
NAV::vendor::ublox::UbxRxmRawx::UbxRxmRawxData Struct Reference

Repeated data in this message. More...

Public Member Functions

bool cpValid () const
 Carrier phase valid.
bool halfCycValid () const
 Half cycle valid.
bool prValid () const
 Pseudorange valid.
bool subHalfSubtractedFromPhase () const
 Half cycle subtracted from phase.

Public Attributes

uint8_t cno
 Carrier-to-noise density ratio (signal strength) [dB-Hz].
double cpMes
std::bitset< 1UL *8UL > cpStdev
 Estimated carrier phase measurement standard deviation [cycles * 0.004] (note a raw value of 0x0F indicates the value is invalid) (see graphic below)
float doMes
 Doppler measurement (positive sign for approaching satellites) [Hz].
std::bitset< 1UL *8UL > doStdev
 Estimated Doppler measurement standard deviation. [Hz * 0.002*2^n] (see graphic below)
uint8_t freqId
 Only used for GLONASS: This is the frequency slot + 7 (range from 0 to 13)
uint8_t gnssId
 GNSS identifier (see Satellite Numbering for a list of identifiers)
uint16_t locktime
 Carrier phase locktime counter [ms] (maximum 64500ms)
double prMes
std::bitset< 1UL *8UL > prStdev
 Estimated pseudorange measurement standard deviation [m * 0.01*2^n] (see graphic below)
uint8_t reserved2
uint8_t sigId
 New style signal identifier (see Signal Identifiers).(not supported in protocol versions less than 27)
uint8_t svId
 Satellite identifier (see Satellite Numbering)
std::bitset< 1UL *8UL > trkStat
 Tracking status bitfield (see graphic below)

Detailed Description

Repeated data in this message.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cpMes

double NAV::vendor::ublox::UbxRxmRawx::UbxRxmRawxData::cpMes

Carrier phase measurement [cycles]. The carrier phase initial ambiguity is initialized using an approximate value to make the magnitude of the phase close to the pseudorange measurement. Clock resets are applied to both phase and code measurements in accordance with the RINEX specification.

◆ prMes

double NAV::vendor::ublox::UbxRxmRawx::UbxRxmRawxData::prMes

Pseudorange measurement [m]. GLONASS inter frequency channel delays are compensated with an internal calibration table.

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