No Matches
NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType > Class Template Reference

Keyed Kalman Filter class. More...


struct  NISResult
 Normalized Innovation Squared (NIS) test results. More...
struct  SavedPreUpdate
 Saved pre-update state and measurement. More...

Public Member Functions

void addState (const StateKeyType &stateKey)
 Add a new state to the filter.
void addStates (const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys)
 Add new states to the filter.
void calcPhiAndQWithVanLoanMethod (Scalar dt)
 Numerical Method to calculate the State transition matrix ๐šฝ and System/Process noise covariance matrix ๐
void calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_exp (Scalar tau)
 Calculates the state transition matrix ๐šฝ using the exponential matrix.
void calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_Taylor (Scalar tau, size_t order)
 Calculates the state transition matrix ๐šฝ limited to specified order in ๐…๐œโ‚›
auto checkForOutliersNIS (const std::string &nameId)
 Performs the Normalized Innovation Squared (NIS) test on the measurement innovation ๐œน๐ณ
void correct ()
 Do a Measurement Update with a Measurement ๐ณ
void correctWithMeasurementInnovation ()
 Do a Measurement Update with a Measurement Innovation ๐œน๐ณ
void discardPreUpdate ()
 Discards the saved xฬ‚, ๐, ๐ณ, ๐‡, ๐‘ a-priori (pre-update)
bool hasAnyStates (const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys) const
 Checks if the filter has any of the provided keys.
bool hasState (const StateKeyType &stateKey) const
 Checks if the filter has the key.
bool hasStates (const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys) const
 Checks if the filter has the keys.
bool isNISenabled () const
 Whether the NIS check should be performed.
bool isPreUpdateSaved () const
 Whether a pre-update was saved.
 KeyedKalmanFilter ()=default
 Default Constructor.
 KeyedKalmanFilter (const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys, const std::vector< MeasKeyType > &measKeys)
void predict ()
 Do a Time Update.
void removeMeasurement (const MeasKeyType &measKey)
 Remove a measurement from the filter.
void removeMeasurements (const std::vector< MeasKeyType > &measKeys)
 Remove measurements from the filter.
void removeState (const StateKeyType &stateKey)
 Remove a state from the filter.
void removeStates (const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys)
 Remove states from the filter.
void replaceState (const StateKeyType &oldKey, const StateKeyType &newKey)
 Replace the old with the new key.
void restorePreUpdate ()
 Restores the saved xฬ‚, ๐, ๐ณ, ๐‡, ๐‘ a-priori (pre-update)
const SavedPreUpdatesavedPreUpdate () const
 Accesses the saved pre-update matrices.
void savePreUpdate ()
 Saves xฬ‚, ๐, ๐ณ, ๐‡, ๐‘ a-priori (pre-update)
void setMeasurements (const std::vector< MeasKeyType > &measKeys)
 Sets the measurement keys and initializes matrices z, H, R, S, K with Zero.
void setZero ()
 Sets all Vectors and matrices to 0.
bool showKalmanFilterGUI (const char *id, float width=0.0F)
 Shows GUI elements for the Kalman Filter.
void showKalmanFilterMatrixViews (const char *id, int nRows=-2)
 Shows ImGui Tree nodes for all matrices.

Public Attributes

KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > F
 ๐… System model matrix (n x n)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > G
 ๐† Noise input matrix (n x o)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, StateKeyType > H
 ๐‡ Measurement sensitivity matrix (m x n)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType > K
 ๐Š Kalman gain matrix (n x m)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > P
 ๐ Error covariance matrix (n x n)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > Phi
 ๐šฝ State transition matrix (n x n)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > Q
 ๐ System/Process noise covariance matrix (n x n)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType > R
 ๐‘ = ๐ธ{๐ฐโ‚˜๐ฐโ‚˜แต€} Measurement noise covariance matrix (m x m)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType > S
 ๐—ฆ Measurement prediction covariance matrix (m x m)
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > W
 ๐– Noise scale matrix (o x o)
KeyedVectorX< Scalar, StateKeyType > x
 xฬ‚ State vector (n x 1)
KeyedVectorX< Scalar, MeasKeyType > z
 ๐ณ Measurement vector (m x 1)

Detailed Description

template<typename Scalar, typename StateKeyType, typename MeasKeyType>
class NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >

Keyed Kalman Filter class.

Template Parameters
ScalarNumeric type, e.g. float, double, int or std::complex<float>.
StateKeyTypeType of the key used for state lookup
MeasKeyTypeType of the key used for measurement lookup

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KeyedKalmanFilter()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::KeyedKalmanFilter ( const std::vector< StateKeyType > & stateKeys,
const std::vector< MeasKeyType > & measKeys )


stateKeysState keys
measKeysMeasurement keys

Member Function Documentation

◆ addState()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::addState ( const StateKeyType & stateKey)

Add a new state to the filter.

stateKeyState key

◆ addStates()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::addStates ( const std::vector< StateKeyType > & stateKeys)

Add new states to the filter.

stateKeysState keys

◆ calcPhiAndQWithVanLoanMethod()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::calcPhiAndQWithVanLoanMethod ( Scalar dt)

Numerical Method to calculate the State transition matrix ๐šฝ and System/Process noise covariance matrix ๐

[in]dtTime step in [s]
See C.F. van Loan (1978) - Computing Integrals Involving the Matrix Exponential [46]

◆ calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_exp()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_exp ( Scalar tau)

Calculates the state transition matrix ๐šฝ using the exponential matrix.

[in]tauTime interval in [s]
See [17] Groves, ch. 3.2.3, eq. 3.33, p. 97
The cost of the computation is approximately 20n^3 for matrices of size n. The number 20 depends weakly on the norm of the matrix.

◆ calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_Taylor()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_Taylor ( Scalar tau,
size_t order )

Calculates the state transition matrix ๐šฝ limited to specified order in ๐…๐œโ‚›

[in]tauTime interval in [s]
[in]orderThe order of the Taylor polynom to calculate
See [17] Groves, ch. 3.2.3, eq. 3.34, p. 98

◆ checkForOutliersNIS()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
auto NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::checkForOutliersNIS ( const std::string & nameId)

Performs the Normalized Innovation Squared (NIS) test on the measurement innovation ๐œน๐ณ

[in]nameIdCaller node for debug output

H_0: The measurement residual ๐œน๐ณ is consistent with the innovation covariance matrix ๐—ฆ The acceptance interval is chosen such that the probability that H_0 is accepted is (1 - alpha)

The hypothesis test result if it failed, otherwise nothing.
Needs to be called before the update

◆ correct()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::correct ( )

Do a Measurement Update with a Measurement ๐ณ

Update the Measurement sensitivity Matrix (๐‡), the Measurement noise covariance matrix (๐‘) and the Measurement vector (๐ณ) before calling this
See P. Groves (2013) - Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems (ch. 3.2.2)

◆ correctWithMeasurementInnovation()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::correctWithMeasurementInnovation ( )

Do a Measurement Update with a Measurement Innovation ๐œน๐ณ

Update the Measurement sensitivity Matrix (๐‡), the Measurement noise covariance matrix (๐‘) and the Measurement vector (๐ณ) before calling this
See P. Groves (2013) - Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems (ch. 3.2.2)
See Brown & Hwang (2012) - Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering (ch. 5.5 - figure 5.5)

◆ hasAnyStates()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
bool NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::hasAnyStates ( const std::vector< StateKeyType > & stateKeys) const

Checks if the filter has any of the provided keys.

stateKeysState keys

◆ hasState()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
bool NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::hasState ( const StateKeyType & stateKey) const

Checks if the filter has the key.

stateKeyState key

◆ hasStates()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
bool NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::hasStates ( const std::vector< StateKeyType > & stateKeys) const

Checks if the filter has the keys.

stateKeysState keys

◆ predict()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::predict ( )

Do a Time Update.

Update the State transition matrix (๐šฝ) and the Process noise covariance matrix (๐) before calling this
See P. Groves (2013) - Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems (ch. 3.2.2)

◆ removeMeasurement()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::removeMeasurement ( const MeasKeyType & measKey)

Remove a measurement from the filter.

measKeyMeasurement key

◆ removeMeasurements()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::removeMeasurements ( const std::vector< MeasKeyType > & measKeys)

Remove measurements from the filter.

measKeysMeasurement keys

◆ removeState()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::removeState ( const StateKeyType & stateKey)

Remove a state from the filter.

stateKeyState key

◆ removeStates()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::removeStates ( const std::vector< StateKeyType > & stateKeys)

Remove states from the filter.

stateKeysState keys

◆ replaceState()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::replaceState ( const StateKeyType & oldKey,
const StateKeyType & newKey )

Replace the old with the new key.

[in]oldKeyOld key to replace
[in]newKeyNew key to use instead

◆ setMeasurements()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::setMeasurements ( const std::vector< MeasKeyType > & measKeys)

Sets the measurement keys and initializes matrices z, H, R, S, K with Zero.

measKeysMeasurement keys

◆ showKalmanFilterGUI()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
bool NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::showKalmanFilterGUI ( const char * id,
float width = 0.0F )

Shows GUI elements for the Kalman Filter.

[in]idUnique id for ImGui
[in]widthWidth of the widget
True if something was changed

◆ showKalmanFilterMatrixViews()

template<typename Scalar , typename StateKeyType , typename MeasKeyType >
void NAV::KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType >::showKalmanFilterMatrixViews ( const char * id,
int nRows = -2 )

Shows ImGui Tree nodes for all matrices.

[in]idUnique id for ImGui
[in]nRowsAmount of rows to show

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