No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// This file is part of INSTINCT, the INS Toolkit for Integrated
2// Navigation Concepts and Training by the Institute of Navigation of
3// the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
5// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7// file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
14#pragma once
16#include <boost/math/distributions/chi_squared.hpp>
17#include <imgui.h>
22#include "util/Eigen.hpp"
23#include "util/Json.hpp"
29namespace NAV
35template<typename Scalar, typename StateKeyType, typename MeasKeyType>
38 public:
40 KeyedKalmanFilter() = default;
45 KeyedKalmanFilter(const std::vector<StateKeyType>& stateKeys, const std::vector<MeasKeyType>& measKeys)
46 {
47 std::unordered_set<StateKeyType> stateSet = { stateKeys.begin(), stateKeys.end() };
48 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(stateSet.size() == stateKeys.size(), "Each state key must be unique");
49 std::unordered_set<MeasKeyType> measSet = { measKeys.begin(), measKeys.end() };
50 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(measSet.size() == measKeys.size(), "Each measurement key must be unique");
52 auto n = static_cast<int>(stateKeys.size());
53 auto m = static_cast<int>(measKeys.size());
55 x = KeyedVectorX<Scalar, StateKeyType>(Eigen::VectorX<Scalar>::Zero(n), stateKeys);
56 P = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(n, n), stateKeys);
57 F = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(n, n), stateKeys);
58 Phi = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(n, n), stateKeys);
60 G = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(n, n), stateKeys);
61 W = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(n, n), stateKeys);
62 Q = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(n, n), stateKeys);
63 z = KeyedVectorX<Scalar, MeasKeyType>(Eigen::VectorX<Scalar>::Zero(m), measKeys);
64 H = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, MeasKeyType, StateKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(m, n), measKeys, stateKeys);
65 R = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(m, m), measKeys, measKeys);
66 S = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(m, m), measKeys, measKeys);
67 K = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(n, m), stateKeys, measKeys);
68 I = Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Identity(n, n);
69 }
72 void setZero()
73 {
74 x(all).setZero(); // xฬ‚ State vector
75 P(all, all).setZero(); // ๐ Error covariance matrix
76 F(all, all).setZero(); // ๐… System model matrix (n x n)
77 Phi(all, all).setZero(); // ๐šฝ State transition matrix
78 G(all, all).setZero(); // ๐† Noise input matrix (n x o)
79 W(all, all).setZero(); // ๐– Noise scale matrix (o x o)
80 Q(all, all).setZero(); // ๐ System/Process noise covariance matrix
81 z(all).setZero(); // ๐ณ Measurement vector
82 H(all, all).setZero(); // ๐‡ Measurement sensitivity Matrix
83 R(all, all).setZero(); // ๐‘ = ๐ธ{๐ฐโ‚˜๐ฐโ‚˜แต€} Measurement noise covariance matrix
84 S(all, all).setZero(); // ๐—ฆ Measurement prediction covariance matrix
85 K(all, all).setZero(); // ๐Š Kalman gain matrix
86 }
91 void predict()
92 {
93 // Math: \mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^- = \mathbf{\Phi}_{k-1}\mathbf{\hat{x}}_{k-1}^+ \qquad \text{P. Groves}\,(3.14)
94 x(all) = Phi(all, all) * x(all);
96 // Math: \mathbf{P}_k^- = \mathbf{\Phi}_{k-1} P_{k-1}^+ \mathbf{\Phi}_{k-1}^T + \mathbf{Q}_{k-1} \qquad \text{P. Groves}\,(3.15)
97 P(all, all) = Phi(all, all) * P(all, all) * Phi(all, all).transpose() + Q(all, all);
98 }
104 void correct()
105 {
106 S(all, all) = H(all, all) * P(all, all) * H(all, all).transpose() + R(all, all);
108 // Math: \mathbf{K}_k = \mathbf{P}_k^- \mathbf{H}_k^T (\mathbf{H}_k \mathbf{P}_k^- \mathbf{H}_k^T + R_k)^{-1} \qquad \text{P. Groves}\,(3.21)
109 K(all, all) = P(all, all) * H(all, all).transpose() * S(all, all).inverse();
111 // Math: \begin{align*} \mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^+ &= \mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^- + \mathbf{K}_k (\mathbf{z}_k - \mathbf{H}_k \mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^-) \\ &= \mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^- + \mathbf{K}_k \mathbf{\delta z}_k^{-} \end{align*} \qquad \text{P. Groves}\,(3.24)
112 x(all) = x(all) + K(all, all) * (z(all) - H(all, all) * x(all));
114 // Math: \mathbf{P}_k^+ = (\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{K}_k \mathbf{H}_k) \mathbf{P}_k^- \qquad \text{P. Groves}\,(3.25)
115 P(all, all) = (I - K(all, all) * H(all, all)) * P(all, all);
116 }
124 {
125 S(all, all) = H(all, all) * P(all, all) * H(all, all).transpose() + R(all, all);
127 // Math: \mathbf{K}_k = \mathbf{P}_k^- \mathbf{H}_k^T (\mathbf{H}_k \mathbf{P}_k^- \mathbf{H}_k^T + R_k)^{-1} \qquad \text{P. Groves}\,(3.21)
128 K(all, all) = P(all, all) * H(all, all).transpose() * S(all, all).inverse();
130 // Math: \begin{align*} \mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^+ &= \mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^- + \mathbf{K}_k \left(\mathbf{z}_k - \mathbf{h}(\mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^-)\right) \\ &= \mathbf{\hat{x}}_k^- + \mathbf{K}_k \mathbf{\delta z}_k^{-} \end{align*} \qquad \text{P. Groves}\,(3.24)
131 x(all) = x(all) + K(all, all) * z(all);
133 // Math: \mathbf{P}_k^+ = (\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{K}_k \mathbf{H}_k) \mathbf{P}_k^- \qquad \text{P. Groves}\,(3.25)
134 // P(all, all) = (I - K(all, all) * H(all, all)) * P(all, all);
136 // Math: \mathbf{P}_k^+ = (\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{K}_k \mathbf{H}_k) \mathbf{P}_k^- (\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{K}_k \mathbf{H}_k)^T + \mathbf{K}_k \mathbf{R}_k \mathbf{K}_k^T \qquad \text{Brown & Hwang}\,(p. 145, eq. 4.2.11)
137 P(all, all) = (I - K(all, all) * H(all, all)) * P(all, all) * (I - K(all, all) * H(all, all)).transpose() + K(all, all) * R(all, all) * K(all, all).transpose();
138 }
142 [[nodiscard]] bool hasState(const StateKeyType& stateKey) const { return x.hasRow(stateKey); }
145 [[nodiscard]] bool hasStates(const std::vector<StateKeyType>& stateKeys) const { return x.hasStates(stateKeys); }
148 [[nodiscard]] bool hasAnyStates(const std::vector<StateKeyType>& stateKeys) const { return x.hasAnyStates(stateKeys); }
152 void addState(const StateKeyType& stateKey) { addStates({ stateKey }); }
156 void addStates(const std::vector<StateKeyType>& stateKeys)
157 {
158 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(!x.hasAnyRows(stateKeys), "You cannot add a state key which is already in the Kalman filter.");
159 std::unordered_set<StateKeyType> stateSet = { stateKeys.begin(), stateKeys.end() };
160 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(stateSet.size() == stateKeys.size(), "Each state key must be unique");
162 auto n = x(all).rows() + static_cast<int>(stateKeys.size());
164 x.addRows(stateKeys);
165 P.addRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
166 F.addRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
167 Phi.addRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
168 G.addRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
169 W.addRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
170 Q.addRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
171 H.addCols(stateKeys);
172 K.addRows(stateKeys);
173 I = Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Identity(n, n);
174 }
178 void removeState(const StateKeyType& stateKey) { removeStates({ stateKey }); }
182 void removeStates(const std::vector<StateKeyType>& stateKeys)
183 {
184 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(x.hasRows(stateKeys), "Not all state keys you are trying to remove are in the Kalman filter.");
185 std::unordered_set<StateKeyType> stateSet = { stateKeys.begin(), stateKeys.end() };
186 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(stateSet.size() == stateKeys.size(), "Each state key must be unique");
188 auto n = x.rows() - static_cast<int>(stateKeys.size());
190 x.removeRows(stateKeys);
191 P.removeRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
192 F.removeRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
193 Phi.removeRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
194 G.removeRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
195 W.removeRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
196 Q.removeRowsCols(stateKeys, stateKeys);
197 H.removeCols(stateKeys);
198 K.removeRows(stateKeys);
199 I = Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Identity(n, n);
200 }
205 void replaceState(const StateKeyType& oldKey, const StateKeyType& newKey)
206 {
207 x.replaceRowKey(oldKey, newKey);
208 P.replaceRowKey(oldKey, newKey);
209 P.replaceColKey(oldKey, newKey);
210 F.replaceRowKey(oldKey, newKey);
211 F.replaceColKey(oldKey, newKey);
212 Phi.replaceRowKey(oldKey, newKey);
213 Phi.replaceColKey(oldKey, newKey);
214 G.replaceRowKey(oldKey, newKey);
215 G.replaceColKey(oldKey, newKey);
216 W.replaceRowKey(oldKey, newKey);
217 W.replaceColKey(oldKey, newKey);
218 Q.replaceRowKey(oldKey, newKey);
219 Q.replaceColKey(oldKey, newKey);
220 H.replaceColKey(oldKey, newKey);
221 K.replaceRowKey(oldKey, newKey);
222 }
226 void setMeasurements(const std::vector<MeasKeyType>& measKeys)
227 {
228 std::unordered_set<MeasKeyType> measSet = { measKeys.begin(), measKeys.end() };
229 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(measSet.size() == measKeys.size(), "Each measurement key must be unique");
231 auto n = static_cast<int>(x.rows());
232 auto m = static_cast<int>(measKeys.size());
234 const auto& stateKeys = x.rowKeys();
236 z = KeyedVectorX<Scalar, MeasKeyType>(Eigen::VectorX<Scalar>::Zero(m), measKeys);
237 H = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, MeasKeyType, StateKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(m, n), measKeys, stateKeys);
238 R = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(m, m), measKeys, measKeys);
239 S = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(m, m), measKeys, measKeys);
240 K = KeyedMatrixX<Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType>(Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar>::Zero(n, m), stateKeys, measKeys);
241 }
245 void removeMeasurement(const MeasKeyType& measKey) { removeMeasurements({ measKey }); }
249 void removeMeasurements(const std::vector<MeasKeyType>& measKeys)
250 {
251 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(z.hasRows(measKeys), "Not all measurement keys you are trying to remove are in the Kalman filter.");
252 std::unordered_set<MeasKeyType> measurementSet = { measKeys.begin(), measKeys.end() };
253 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(measurementSet.size() == measKeys.size(), "Each measurement key must be unique");
255 z.removeRows(measKeys);
256 H.removeRows(measKeys);
257 R.removeRowsCols(measKeys, measKeys);
258 S.removeRowsCols(measKeys, measKeys);
259 K.removeCols(measKeys);
260 }
280 void calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_Taylor(Scalar tau, size_t order)
281 {
282 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(F.rowKeys() == Phi.rowKeys(), "The system model matrix F and the state transition matrix ๐šฝ need to have the same keys.");
284 Phi = transitionMatrix_Phi_Taylor(F, tau, order);
285 }
292 {
293 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(F.rowKeys() == Phi.rowKeys(), "The system model matrix F and the state transition matrix ๐šฝ need to have the same keys.");
296 }
302 {
303 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(G.colKeys() == W.rowKeys(), "The columns of the noise input matrix G and rows of the noise scale matrix W must match. (G * W * G^T)");
304 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(G.rowKeys() == Q.rowKeys(), "The rows of the noise input matrix G and the System/Process noise covariance matrix Q must match.");
305 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(G.colKeys() == Q.colKeys(), "The cols of the noise input matrix G and the System/Process noise covariance matrix Q must match.");
307 auto [Phi, Q] = NAV::calcPhiAndQWithVanLoanMethod(F(all, all), G(all, all), W(all, all), dt);
308 this->Phi(all, all) = Phi;
309 this->Q(all, all) = Q;
310 }
313 [[nodiscard]] bool isPreUpdateSaved() const { return _savedPreUpdate.saved; }
317 {
318 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(!_savedPreUpdate.saved, "Cannot save the pre-update without restoring or discarding the old one first.");
319 _savedPreUpdate.saved = true;
321 _savedPreUpdate.x = x;
322 _savedPreUpdate.P = P;
323 _savedPreUpdate.Phi = Phi;
324 _savedPreUpdate.Q = Q;
325 _savedPreUpdate.z = z;
326 _savedPreUpdate.H = H;
327 _savedPreUpdate.R = R;
328 _savedPreUpdate.S = S;
329 _savedPreUpdate.K = K;
331 _savedPreUpdate.F = F;
332 _savedPreUpdate.G = G;
333 _savedPreUpdate.W = W;
334 }
338 {
339 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(_savedPreUpdate.saved, "Cannot restore the pre-update without saving one first.");
340 _savedPreUpdate.saved = false;
342 x = _savedPreUpdate.x;
343 P = _savedPreUpdate.P;
344 Phi = _savedPreUpdate.Phi;
345 Q = _savedPreUpdate.Q;
346 z = _savedPreUpdate.z;
347 H = _savedPreUpdate.H;
348 R = _savedPreUpdate.R;
349 S = _savedPreUpdate.S;
350 K = _savedPreUpdate.K;
352 F = _savedPreUpdate.F;
353 G = _savedPreUpdate.G;
354 W = _savedPreUpdate.W;
355 }
358 {
359 INS_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(_savedPreUpdate.saved, "Cannot discard the pre-update without saving one first.");
360 _savedPreUpdate.saved = false;
361 }
364 [[nodiscard]] bool isNISenabled() const { return _checkNIS; }
368 {
369 bool triggered = false;
370 double NIS = 0.0;
371 double r2 = 0.0;
372 };
381 [[nodiscard]] auto checkForOutliersNIS([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& nameId)
382 {
383 NISResult ret{};
384 if (z.rows() == 0) { return ret; }
385 S(all, all) = H(all, all) * P(all, all) * H(all, all).transpose() + R(all, all);
387 ret.NIS = std::abs(z(all).transpose() * S(all, all).inverse() * z(all));
389 boost::math::chi_squared dist(static_cast<double>(z.rows()));
391 ret.r2 = boost::math::quantile(dist, 1.0 - _alphaNIS);
393 ret.triggered = ret.NIS >= ret.r2;
395 if (ret.triggered)
396 {
397 LOG_DEBUG("{}: NIS test triggered because: NIS = {:.3f} > {:.3f} = r2", nameId, ret.NIS, ret.r2);
398 }
399 else
400 {
401 LOG_DATA("{}: NIS test passed: NIS = {:.3f} <= {:.3f} = r2", nameId, ret.NIS, ret.r2);
402 }
404 return ret;
405 }
411 bool showKalmanFilterGUI(const char* id, float width = 0.0F)
412 {
413 bool changed = false;
415 changed |= ImGui::Checkbox(fmt::format("Enable outlier NIS check##{}", id).c_str(), &_checkNIS);
416 ImGui::SameLine();
417 gui::widgets::HelpMarker("If the check has too many false positives, try increasing the process noise.");
419 if (_checkNIS)
420 {
421 double alpha = _alphaNIS * 100.0;
422 ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(width - ImGui::GetStyle().IndentSpacing);
423 if (ImGui::DragDouble(fmt::format("NIS alpha (failure rate)##{}", id).c_str(), &alpha, 1.0F, 0.0, 100.0, "%.2f %%"))
424 {
425 _alphaNIS = alpha / 100.0;
426 changed = true;
427 }
428 }
430 return changed;
431 }
436 void showKalmanFilterMatrixViews(const char* id, int nRows = -2)
437 {
438 ImGui::PushFont(Application::MonoFont());
439 float matrixTableHeight = ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * static_cast<float>(nRows + 1);
440 float vectorTableHeight = ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * static_cast<float>(nRows);
441 ImGui::PopFont();
443 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("x - State vector##{}", id).c_str()))
444 {
445 gui::widgets::KeyedVectorView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter x##{}", id).c_str(), &x, vectorTableHeight);
446 ImGui::TreePop();
447 }
448 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("P - Error covariance matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
449 {
450 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter P##{}", id).c_str(), &P, matrixTableHeight);
451 ImGui::TreePop();
452 }
453 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("Phi - State transition matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
454 {
455 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter Phi##{}", id).c_str(), &Phi, matrixTableHeight);
456 ImGui::TreePop();
457 }
458 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("Q System/Process noise covariance matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
459 {
460 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter Q##{}", id).c_str(), &Q, matrixTableHeight);
461 ImGui::TreePop();
462 }
463 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("z - Measurement vector##{}", id).c_str()))
464 {
465 gui::widgets::KeyedVectorView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter z##{}", id).c_str(), &z, vectorTableHeight);
466 ImGui::TreePop();
467 }
468 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("H - Measurement sensitivity matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
469 {
470 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter H##{}", id).c_str(), &H, matrixTableHeight);
471 ImGui::TreePop();
472 }
473 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("R - Measurement noise covariance matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
474 {
475 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter R##{}", id).c_str(), &R, matrixTableHeight);
476 ImGui::TreePop();
477 }
478 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("S - Measurement prediction covariance matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
479 {
480 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter S##{}", id).c_str(), &S, matrixTableHeight);
481 ImGui::TreePop();
482 }
483 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("K - Kalman gain matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
484 {
485 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter K##{}", id).c_str(), &K, matrixTableHeight);
486 ImGui::TreePop();
487 }
488 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("F - System model matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
489 {
490 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter F##{}", id).c_str(), &F, matrixTableHeight);
491 ImGui::TreePop();
492 }
493 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("G - Noise input matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
494 {
495 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter G##{}", id).c_str(), &G, matrixTableHeight);
496 ImGui::TreePop();
497 }
498 if (ImGui::TreeNode(fmt::format("W - Noise scale matrix##{}", id).c_str()))
499 {
500 gui::widgets::KeyedMatrixView(fmt::format("Kalman Filter W##{}", id).c_str(), &W, matrixTableHeight);
501 ImGui::TreePop();
502 }
503 }
526 [[nodiscard]] const SavedPreUpdate& savedPreUpdate() const { return _savedPreUpdate; }
528 private:
529 Eigen::MatrixXd I;
531 SavedPreUpdate _savedPreUpdate;
534 bool _checkNIS = true;
537 double _alphaNIS = 0.05;
543 {
544 j = json{
545 { "checkNIS", obj._checkNIS },
546 { "alphaNIS", obj._alphaNIS },
547 };
548 }
553 {
554 if (j.contains("checkNIS")) { j.at("checkNIS").get_to(obj._checkNIS); }
555 if (j.contains("alphaNIS")) { j.at("alphaNIS").get_to(obj._alphaNIS); }
556 }
562template<typename StateKeyType, typename MeasKeyType>
570template<typename Scalar, typename RowKeyType, typename ColKeyType, int Rows, int Cols>
573 // Transition matrix ๐šฝ
574 Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols> Phi;
576 if constexpr (Rows == Eigen::Dynamic)
577 {
578 Phi = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols>::Identity(F.rows(), F.cols());
579 }
580 else
581 {
582 Phi = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols>::Identity();
583 }
584 // std::cout << "Phi = I";
586 for (size_t i = 1; i <= order; i++)
587 {
588 Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols> Fpower = F(all, all);
589 // std::cout << " + (F";
591 for (size_t j = 1; j < i; j++) // F^j
592 {
593 // std::cout << "*F";
594 Fpower *= F(all, all);
595 }
596 // std::cout << "*tau_s^" << i << ")";
597 // std::cout << "/" << math::factorial(i);
598 Phi += (Fpower * std::pow(tau_s, i)) / math::factorial(i);
599 }
600 // std::cout << "\n";
602 return { Phi, F.rowKeys(), F.colKeys() };
610template<typename Scalar, typename RowKeyType, typename ColKeyType, int Rows, int Cols>
613 // Transition matrix ๐šฝ
614 return { (F(all, all) * tau_s).exp(), F.rowKeys(), F.colKeys() };
617} // namespace NAV
Assert function with message.
Definition Assert.h:21
Vector space operations.
nlohmann::json json
json namespace
Definition FlowManager.hpp:21
Text Help Marker (?) with Tooltip.
The class is responsible for all time-related tasks.
Defines how to save certain datatypes to json.
#define LOG_DEBUG
Debug information. Should not be called on functions which receive observations (spamming)
Definition Logger.hpp:67
#define LOG_DATA
All output which occurs repeatedly every time observations are received.
Definition Logger.hpp:29
Derived::PlainObject transitionMatrix_Phi_exp(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &F, typename Derived::Scalar tau_s)
Calculates the state transition matrix ๐šฝ using the exponential matrix.
Definition KalmanFilter.hpp:235
Derived::PlainObject transitionMatrix_Phi_Taylor(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &F, double tau_s, size_t order)
Calculates the state transition matrix ๐šฝ limited to specified order in ๐…๐œโ‚›
Definition KalmanFilter.hpp:195
Simple Math functions.
Van Loan Method .
std::pair< typename DerivedF::PlainObject, typename DerivedF::PlainObject > calcPhiAndQWithVanLoanMethod(const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedF > &F, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedG > &G, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedW > &W, typename DerivedF::Scalar dt)
Numerical Method to calculate the State transition matrix ๐šฝ and System/Process noise covariance matri...
Definition VanLoan.hpp:62
Keyed Kalman Filter class.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:37
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, StateKeyType > H
๐‡ Measurement sensitivity matrix (m x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:267
bool showKalmanFilterGUI(const char *id, float width=0.0F)
Shows GUI elements for the Kalman Filter.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:411
void calcPhiAndQWithVanLoanMethod(Scalar dt)
Numerical Method to calculate the State transition matrix ๐šฝ and System/Process noise covariance matri...
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:301
void replaceState(const StateKeyType &oldKey, const StateKeyType &newKey)
Replace the old with the new key.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:205
KeyedVectorX< Scalar, MeasKeyType > z
๐ณ Measurement vector (m x 1)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:266
void discardPreUpdate()
Discards the saved xฬ‚, ๐, ๐ณ, ๐‡, ๐‘ a-priori (pre-update)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:357
bool isPreUpdateSaved() const
Whether a pre-update was saved.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:313
bool hasState(const StateKeyType &stateKey) const
Checks if the filter has the key.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:142
void removeState(const StateKeyType &stateKey)
Remove a state from the filter.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:178
friend void from_json(const json &j, KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType > &obj)
Converts the provided json object into a node object.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:552
auto checkForOutliersNIS(const std::string &nameId)
Performs the Normalized Innovation Squared (NIS) test on the measurement innovation ๐œน๐ณ
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:381
void setMeasurements(const std::vector< MeasKeyType > &measKeys)
Sets the measurement keys and initializes matrices z, H, R, S, K with Zero.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:226
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType > S
๐—ฆ Measurement prediction covariance matrix (m x m)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:269
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType > K
๐Š Kalman gain matrix (n x m)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:270
friend void to_json(json &j, const KeyedKalmanFilter< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType > &obj)
Converts the provided object into json.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:542
KeyedVectorX< Scalar, StateKeyType > x
xฬ‚ State vector (n x 1)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:262
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > W
๐– Noise scale matrix (o x o)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:274
bool hasStates(const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys) const
Checks if the filter has the keys.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:145
KeyedKalmanFilter(const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys, const std::vector< MeasKeyType > &measKeys)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:45
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > F
๐… System model matrix (n x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:272
void removeMeasurement(const MeasKeyType &measKey)
Remove a measurement from the filter.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:245
void showKalmanFilterMatrixViews(const char *id, int nRows=-2)
Shows ImGui Tree nodes for all matrices.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:436
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > Q
๐ System/Process noise covariance matrix (n x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:265
void addState(const StateKeyType &stateKey)
Add a new state to the filter.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:152
bool hasAnyStates(const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys) const
Checks if the filter has any of the provided keys.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:148
void restorePreUpdate()
Restores the saved xฬ‚, ๐, ๐ณ, ๐‡, ๐‘ a-priori (pre-update)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:337
void removeMeasurements(const std::vector< MeasKeyType > &measKeys)
Remove measurements from the filter.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:249
void setZero()
Sets all Vectors and matrices to 0.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:72
void addStates(const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys)
Add new states to the filter.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:156
void correctWithMeasurementInnovation()
Do a Measurement Update with a Measurement Innovation ๐œน๐ณ
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:123
void predict()
Do a Time Update.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:91
void removeStates(const std::vector< StateKeyType > &stateKeys)
Remove states from the filter.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:182
bool isNISenabled() const
Whether the NIS check should be performed.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:364
void calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_exp(Scalar tau)
Calculates the state transition matrix ๐šฝ using the exponential matrix.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:291
void calcTransitionMatrix_Phi_Taylor(Scalar tau, size_t order)
Calculates the state transition matrix ๐šฝ limited to specified order in ๐…๐œโ‚›
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:280
void savePreUpdate()
Saves xฬ‚, ๐, ๐ณ, ๐‡, ๐‘ a-priori (pre-update)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:316
void correct()
Do a Measurement Update with a Measurement ๐ณ
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:104
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > Phi
๐šฝ State transition matrix (n x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:264
Default Constructor.
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType > R
๐‘ = ๐ธ{๐ฐโ‚˜๐ฐโ‚˜แต€} Measurement noise covariance matrix (m x m)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:268
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > P
๐ Error covariance matrix (n x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:263
const SavedPreUpdate & savedPreUpdate() const
Accesses the saved pre-update matrices.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:526
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > G
๐† Noise input matrix (n x o)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:273
Dynamic sized KeyedMatrix.
Definition KeyedMatrix.hpp:2055
Static sized KeyedMatrix.
Definition KeyedMatrix.hpp:1910
Dynamic sized KeyedVector.
Definition KeyedMatrix.hpp:1569
const std::vector< ColKeyType > & colKeys() const
Returns the col keys.
Definition KeyedMatrix.hpp:221
decltype(auto) cols() const
Return the cols of the underlying Eigen matrix.
Definition KeyedMatrix.hpp:218
decltype(auto) rows() const
Return the rows of the underlying Eigen matrix.
Definition KeyedMatrix.hpp:74
const std::vector< RowKeyType > & rowKeys() const
Returns the row keys.
Definition KeyedMatrix.hpp:77
ImGui extensions.
Widgets related to KeyedMatrices.
Normalized Innovation Squared (NIS) test results.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:368
double NIS
Normalized Innovation Squared (NIS)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:370
bool triggered
Whether the test triggered.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:369
double r2
Upper boundary of one-sided acceptance interval.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:371
Saved pre-update state and measurement.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:507
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > F
๐… System model matrix (n x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:520
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, StateKeyType > H
๐‡ Measurement sensitivity matrix (m x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:515
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > Q
๐ System/Process noise covariance matrix (n x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:513
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > G
๐† Noise input matrix (n x o)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:521
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > P
๐ Error covariance matrix (n x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:511
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, MeasKeyType > K
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:518
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > Phi
๐šฝ State transition matrix (n x n)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:512
bool saved
Flag whether the state was saved.
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:508
KeyedVectorX< Scalar, MeasKeyType > z
๐ณ Measurement vector (m x 1)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:514
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType > R
๐‘ = ๐ธ{๐ฐโ‚˜๐ฐโ‚˜แต€} Measurement noise covariance matrix (m x m)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:516
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, StateKeyType, StateKeyType > W
๐– Noise scale matrix (o x o)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:522
KeyedVectorX< Scalar, StateKeyType > x
xฬ‚ State vector (n x 1)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:510
KeyedMatrixX< Scalar, MeasKeyType, MeasKeyType > S
๐—ฆ Measurement prediction covariance matrix (m x m)
Definition KeyedKalmanFilter.hpp:517
Matrix which can be accessed by keys.