No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 AppLogic.hppApplication logic
 CMakeRC.hppHandles compiling resources into the binary
 ConfigManager.hppConfig management for the Project
 FlowExecutor.hppFlow Executor Thread
 FlowManager.hppSave/Load the Nodes
 NodeManager.hppManages all Nodes
 Sleep.hppClass to catch system signals and sleep
 Version.hppProvides the version of the project
 Constants.hppHolds all Constants
 NodeData.hppAbstract NodeData Class
 Assert.hAssertion helpers
 CallbackTimer.hppStarts a Periodic Timer
 Eigen.hppVector space operations
 ImGui.hppImGui Helper
 Json.hppDefines how to save certain datatypes to json
 Logger.hppUtility class for logging to console and file
 StringUtil.hppUtility functions for working with std::strings
 NodeRegistry.hppUtility class which specifies available nodes