►Nax | |
►NNodeEditor | |
►NUtilities | |
CBlueprintNodeBuilder | Node Builder class |
►Ncmrc | |
Cmembuf | |
Cmemstream | |
►Ndetail | |
Cvariant_switch | Variant serialize implementation |
Cvariant_switch< 0 > | Variant serialize implementation specialization for a single variant |
►NNAV | |
►NCartesianProduct | |
Cincrement_iterator | Helper struct to increment an iterator |
Cincrement_iterator< 0 > | Helper struct to increment an iterator |
►Nexperimental | |
CARMA | Node performing an ARMA filtering of incoming data |
CDelay | Delays messages by buffering them |
CSkydelNetworkStream | SkydelNetworkStream Sensor Class |
►Ngui | |
►Nwidgets | |
►CDynamicInputPins | Inputs pins which can be added dynamically |
CExtraColumn | Information to create extra columns |
CPositionWithFrame | Position with Reference frame, used for GUI input |
CTimeEditFormat | Time Edit format and system |
CNodeEditorApplication | Application class providing all relevant GUI callbacks |
►Ninternal | EGM96 coefficients |
Call_t | All type to request all rows or columns in KeyedMatrices |
CGPT2Data | Parameters of the GP2 grid in in 1 degree x 1 degree resolution |
CGPT3Data | Parameters of the GP3 grid in in 1 degree x 1 degree resolution |
CKeyedMatrixBase | Class to inherit common methods for static and dynamic sized matrices |
CKeyedMatrixCols | Base class for Keyed matrices with multiple columns of static size |
CKeyedMatrixCols< Scalar, ColKeyType, Rows, Eigen::Dynamic > | Base class for Keyed matrices with multiple columns of dynamic size |
CKeyedMatrixColsBase | Base class for Keyed matrices with multiple columns |
CKeyedMatrixRows | Base class for Keyed matrices with multiple rows of static size |
CKeyedMatrixRows< Scalar, RowKeyType, Eigen::Dynamic, Cols > | Base class for Keyed matrices with multiple rows of dynamic size |
CKeyedMatrixRowsBase | Base class for Keyed matrices with multiple rows |
CKeyedMatrixStorage | KeyedMatrix storage class |
CKeyedRowVectorBase | Class to inherit common methods for static and dynamic sized row vectors |
CKeyedVectorBase | Class to inherit common methods for static and dynamic sized vectors |
►NNodeRegistry | |
CNodeInfo | Holds information for registered nodes |
CPinInfo | Holds info of the pins of registered nodes |
►NSPP | |
►NMeas | |
CDoppler | Range-rate (doppler) measurement [m/s] |
CPsr | Pseudorange measurement [m] |
►NStates | |
CInterFreqBias | Inter-frequency bias |
CInterSysBias | Inter-system clock errors (one for additional satellite system) |
CInterSysDrift | Inter-system clock drifts (one for additional satellite system) |
CAlgorithm | Single Point Positioning Algorithm |
CKalmanFilter | The Spp Kalman Filter related options |
►Nvendor | |
►Nemlid | |
CEmlidUartSensor | Class to read out Emlid Sensors |
CErbDops | Dilution of Precision This message outputs dimensionless values of DOP. These values are scaled by factor 100 |
CErbPos | Geodetic Position Solution |
CErbRtk | RTK Information This message output information about RTK |
CErbStat | Receiver Navigation Status This message contains status of Fix, its type and also the number of used satellites |
CErbSvi | Space Vehicle Information This message output information about observation satellites |
CErbVel | Velocity Solution in NED See important comments concerning validity of position given in section Navigation Output Filters |
CErbVer | Version of Protocol |
►Nkvh | |
CKvhUartSensor | Class to read out KVH Sensors |
►Npixhawk | |
Cmessage_add_logged_s | Subscribed log message with name and ID. This must come before the first corresponding message_data_s |
Cmessage_data_s | Logged data |
Cmessage_dropout_s | Dropout (lost logging messages) of a given duration in ms. Dropouts can occur e.g. if the device is not fast enough |
Cmessage_format_s | Format definition for a single (composite) type that can be logged or used in another definition as a nested type |
Cmessage_header_s | The Definitions and Data sections consist of a stream of messages. Each starts with this header |
Cmessage_info_s | Information message |
Cmessage_logging_s | Logged string message, i.e. printf output |
Cmessage_logging_tagged_s | Tagged Logged string message |
Cmessage_remove_logged_s | Unsubscribe a message, to mark that it will not be logged anymore |
Cmessage_sync_s | Synchronization message so that a reader can recover from a corrupt message by searching for the next sync message |
Culog_Header_s | The header is a fixed-size section and has the following format (16 bytes) |
Culog_message_flag_bits_s | Flag bitset message. This message must be the first message, right after the header section, so that it has a fixed constant offset |
Culog_message_info_multiple_header_s | Information message multi. The same as the information message, except that there can be multiple messages with the same key (parsers store them as a list) |
Culog_message_parameter_default_header_s | Parameter default message. If a parameter dynamically changes during runtime, this message can also be used in the Data section. The data type is restricted to: int32_t, float |
CObservationDescription | Description of the observations from the 'SYS / # / OBS TYPES' header |
CObsHeader | Rinex Observation File Header information |
►Nublox | |
CUbloxUartSensor | Class to read out Ublox Sensors |
CUbxAckAck | Message Acknowledged |
CUbxAckNak | Message Not-Acknowledged |
CUbxEsfIns | Vehicle dynamics information |
CUbxEsfMeas | External Sensor Fusion Measurements |
►CUbxEsfRaw | Raw sensor measurements |
CUbxEsfRawData | Repeated data in this message |
►CUbxEsfStatus | External Sensor Fusion (ESF) status information |
CUbxEsfStatusSensor | Repeated data in this message |
CUbxNavAtt | Attitude Solution |
CUbxNavPosecef | Position Solution in ECEF |
CUbxNavPosllh | Geodetic Position Solution |
CUbxNavVelned | Velocity Solution in NED |
►CUbxRxmRawx | Multi-GNSS Raw Measurement Data |
CUbxRxmRawxData | Repeated data in this message |
CUbxRxmSfrbx | Broadcast Navigation Data Subframe |
►Nvectornav | |
CAttitudeOutputs | Binary Group 5 – Attitude Outputs |
CDOP | Dilution of precision |
CGnssOutputs | Binary Group 4 – GNSS1 Outputs / Binary Group 7 – GNSS2 Outputs |
CImuOutputs | Binary Group 3 – IMU Outputs |
CInsOutputs | Binary Group 6 – INS Outputs |
CInsStatus | The INS status bitfield |
►CRawMeas | Raw measurements pertaining to each GNSS satellite in view |
CSatRawElement | Raw measurements for a certain satellite |
►CSatInfo | Information and measurements pertaining to each GNSS satellite in view |
CSatInfoElement | Information for a certain satellite |
CTimeInfo | Flags for valid GPS TOW, week number and UTC and current leap seconds |
CTimeOutputs | Binary Group 2 – Time Outputs |
CTimeStatus | The VPE status bitfield |
CUTC | Storage class for UTC Time |
CVpeStatus | The VPE status bitfield |
►CAntexReader | ANTEX file reader |
►CAntenna | Antenna information |
CAntennaInfo | Antenna info |
CAntennaFreqInfo | Antenna frequency dependant information |
CAtmosphereModels | Atmospheric model selection for temperature, pressure and water vapor |
CBDCSVD | Bidiagonal Divide and Conquer SVD Curve Fitting |
CBDSEphemeris | Broadcasted ephemeris message data |
►CClock | Abstract satellite clock information |
CCorrections | Satellite clock corrections |
CCOD | Complete Orthogonal Decomposition Curve Fitting |
CCode | Enumerate for GNSS Codes |
CColormap | Colormap class |
CCombiner | Calculates differences between signals |
►CCommonLog | Common logging variables like time into run and local positions |
CLocalPosition | Local position offset from a reference point |
CCsvData | CSV Data container |
CCsvFile | CSV File reader |
CCsvLogger | Data Logger for PosVelAtt observations |
►CCubicSpline | Cubic Spline class |
CBoundaryCondition | Boundary conditions for the spline end-points |
►CCycleSlipDetector | Cycle-slip detector |
CCycleSlipDualFrequency | Cycle-slip found in dual frequency combination |
CCycleSlipLossOfLockIndicator | Cycle-slip because LLI was set |
CCycleSlipSingleFrequency | Cycle-slip found in single frequency carrier-phase observation |
CDualFrequencyCombination | Dual frequency combination |
►CSatelliteObservation | Satellite observations ordered per satellite |
CSignal | Signal for a code |
►CDemo | Demonstrates the basic GUI functionality of nodes |
CDemoData | Data struct transmitted over an output port |
►CDynamicData | Dynamic Data container |
CData | Data struct |
CEmlidFile | File Reader for Emlid log files |
CEmlidObs | Emlid Observation Class |
CEmlidSensor | Emlid Sensor Class |
CErrorModel | Adds errors (biases and noise) to measurements |
CFileReader | Abstract File Reader class |
CFileWriter | Parent class for other data loggers which manages the output filestream |
CFrequency | Frequency definition for different satellite systems |
►CGalileoEphemeris | Broadcasted ephemeris message data |
CSvHealth | Navigation Data Validity and Signal Health Status |
CGLONASSEphemeris | Broadcasted ephemeris message data |
CGnssAnalyzer | Allows creation of GNSS measurement combinations |
►CGnssCombination | GNSS measurement combinations |
►CCombination | Combination of GNSS measurements |
CTerm | Term of a combination equation |
CGnssMeasurementErrorModel | Errors concerning GNSS observations |
►CGnssNavInfo | GNSS Navigation message information |
CTimeSystemCorrections | Time system correction parameters |
►CGnssObs | GNSS Observation message information |
►CObservationData | Stores the satellites observations |
CCarrierPhase | Carrier phase |
CPseudorange | Pseudorange |
CReceiverInfo | Receiver Information, e.g. from RINEX header |
CSatelliteData | Useful information of the satellites |
CGPSEphemeris | Broadcasted ephemeris message data |
CGPT2output | GPT2 output parameters |
CGPT3output | GPT3 output parameters |
CGroupBox | Group Box |
CHouseholderQr | Householder QR decomposition Curve Fitting |
CImu | Abstract IMU Class |
CImuFile | File Reader for Imu log files |
CImuFusion | Combines signals of sensors that provide the same signal-type to one signal |
CImuIntegrator | Numerically integrates Imu data |
CImuObs | IMU Observation storage class |
CImuObsSimulated | VectorNav Observation storage Class |
CImuObsWDelta | VectorNav Observation storage Class |
CImuPos | IMU Position |
CImuSimulator | Imu Observation Simulator |
CIncrementalLeastSquares | Incremental Least Squares Curve Fitting |
►CInertialIntegrator | Inertial Measurement Integrator |
CMeasurement | Inertial Measurement |
►CInputPin | Input pins of nodes |
►CIncomingLink | Collection of information about the connected node and pin |
CValueWrapper | Value wrapper, automatically incrementing and decrementing the data access counter |
►CInsConst | Constants |
CGAL | GALILEO related constants |
CGLO | GLONASS related constants (see [15] GLONASS ICD 5.1 Table 3.2) |
CGPS | GPS related constants |
CGRS80 | Geodetic Reference System 1980 |
CPZ90 | Parametry Zemli 1990 goda (see [35]) |
CWGS84 | World Geodetic System 1984 |
CInsGnssLCKFSolution | Loosely-coupled Kalman Filter INS/GNSS errors |
CInsGnssTCKFSolution | Tightly-coupled Kalman Filter INS/GNSS errors |
CInsTime | The class is responsible for all time-related tasks |
CInsTime_GPSweekTow | GPS week and time of week in GPS standard time [GPST] |
CInsTime_JD | Julien Date [UTC] |
CInsTime_MJD | Modified Julien Date [UTC] |
CInsTime_YDoySod | GPS year and day of year in GPS standard time [GPST] |
CInsTime_YMDHMS | Universal Time Coordinated [UTC] |
►CIonosphericCorrections | Ionospheric Corrections |
CCorrections | Ionospheric Corrections Data Storage |
CKalmanFilter | Generalized Kalman Filter class |
►CKeyedKalmanFilter | Keyed Kalman Filter class |
CNISResult | Normalized Innovation Squared (NIS) test results |
CSavedPreUpdate | Saved pre-update state and measurement |
CKeyedLeastSquaresResult | Least Squares Uncertainties return value |
CKeyedMatrix | Static sized KeyedMatrix |
CKeyedMatrix< Scalar, RowKeyType, ColKeyType, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > | Dynamic sized KeyedMatrix |
CKeyedRowVector | Static sized KeyedRowVector |
CKeyedRowVector< Scalar, ColKeyType, Eigen::Dynamic > | Dynamic sized KeyedRowVector |
CKeyedVector | Static sized KeyedVector |
CKeyedVector< Scalar, RowKeyType, Eigen::Dynamic > | Dynamic sized KeyedVector |
CKmlLogger | Data Logger for Pos data as KML files (input for Google Earth) |
CKvhFile | File Reader for Kvh log files |
CKvhObs | Kvh Observation storage Class |
CKvhSensor | KVH Sensor Class |
CLeastSquares | Least Squares Curve Fitting |
CLeastSquaresResult | Least Squares Uncertainties return value |
CLooselyCoupledKF | Loosely-coupled Kalman Filter for INS/GNSS integration |
CMatrixLogger | Data Logger for PosVelAtt observations |
CMerger | Merges two input ports into a single output port |
CMultiImuFile | File reader for Multi-IMU data log files |
CNavio2Sensor | Navio2Sensor Sensor Class |
CNmeaFile | File Reader for NMEA log files |
►CNode | Abstract parent class for all nodes |
CKind | Kind information class |
CNodeData | Parent class for all data transmitted over Flow pins |
CObservationEstimator | Calculates Observation estimates |
CObservationFilter | Observation Filter |
►CObservations | Observation storage type |
►CSignalObservation | Receiver specific observation of the signal |
►CReceiverSpecificData | Receiver specific data |
CCalcTerms | Terms used in the calculation |
CObservation | Observations |
►COrbit | Abstract satellite orbit information |
CPos | Satellite Position |
CPosVel | Satellite Position and Velocity |
CPosVelAccel | Satellite Position, Velocity and Acceleration |
►COutputPin | Output pins of nodes |
COutgoingLink | Collection of information about the connected node and pin |
►CPin | Pins in the GUI for information exchange |
CKind | Kind of the Pin (Input/Output) |
CLink | Link between two pins |
CType | Type of the data on the Pin |
CPinData | Information about a sensor which is connected to a certain pin (i.e. sensor characteristics defined in GUI) |
CPinDataBsplineKF | Sensor information specific to the Bspline-KF |
CPinDataIRWKF | Sensor information specific to the IRW-KF |
►CPlot | Plot node which plots all kind of observations |
►CPinData | Information needed to plot the data on a certain pin |
CPlotData | Stores the actual data coming from a pin |
►CPlotInfo | Information specifying the look of each plot |
►CPlotItem | Info needed to draw a data set |
CStyle | Specifying the look of a certain line in the plot |
CTooltip | Tooltip info |
CPolynomial | Polynomial |
CPolynomialCycleSlipDetector | Cycle-slip detection |
CPolynomialRegressor | Polynomial Curve Fitting |
►CPos | Position, Velocity and Attitude Storage Class |
CStates | States |
►CPosVel | Position, Velocity and Attitude Storage Class |
CStates | States |
CPosVelAtt | Position, Velocity and Attitude Storage Class |
CPosVelAttDerivativeConstants | Values needed to calculate the PosVelAttDerivative for the local-navigation frame |
CPosVelAttFile | File Reader for Imu log files |
CPosVelAttInitializer | Position, Velocity, Attitude Initializer from GPS and IMU data |
CRandomNumberGenerator | Manages a thread which calls a specified function at a specified interval |
CReceiver | Receiver information |
CReceiverClock | Receiver Clock information |
CRinexNavFile | File reader Node for RINEX Navigation messages |
CRinexObsFile | File reader Node for RINEX Observation messages |
CRinexObsLogger | Data Logger for GnssObs to RINEX observation files |
CRtklibPosConverter | Convert RTKLib pos files into PosVel |
CRtklibPosFile | File Reader for RTKLIB pos log files |
CRtklibPosObs | RTKLIB Observation Class |
CSatellite | Satellite class |
CSatelliteSystem | Satellite System type |
CSatId | Identifies a satellite (satellite system and number) |
CSatNavData | Satellite Navigation data (to calculate SatNavData and clock) |
CSatSigId | Identifies a satellite signal (satellite frequency and number) |
►CScrollingBuffer | A buffer which is overwriting itself from the start when full |
CConstIterator | Const iterator |
CConstReverseIterator | Const reverse iterator |
CIterator | Iterator |
CReverseIterator | Reverse Iterator |
CSinglePointPositioning | Numerically integrates Imu data |
CSNRMask | Signal to Noise Ratio Mask |
►CSppSolution | SPP Algorithm output |
CSatData | Satellite specific data |
CStringObs | IMU Observation storage class |
CTerminator | Terminator for open signals. Mainly used for test flows |
CTightlyCoupledKF | Tightly-coupled Kalman Filter for INS/GNSS integration |
CTimeSystem | Time System defintions |
CTimeWindow | Limits measurement data from any source to a user-defined timewindow |
CTroposphereModelSelection | Collection of troposphere model selections |
CTsDeque | Thread-safe deque |
CUartDataLogger | Data Logger for Ublox observations |
CUartPacket | UART Packet storage class |
CUartPacketConverter | Decrypts Uart packets |
CUartSensor | Abstract Uart Sensor Class |
CUbloxFile | File Reader for Ublox log files |
CUbloxGnssObsConverter | Convert UbloxObs into GnssObs |
CUbloxGnssOrbitCollector | Collects UBX-RXM-SFRBX messages and provides the Orbit information |
CUbloxObs | Ublox Observation Class |
CUbloxSensor | Ublox Sensor Class |
CUdpRecv | UDP Client |
CUdpSend | UDP Client |
►CUlogFile | File Reader for ULog files ('.ulg') |
CSubscriptionData | Combined (sensor-)message name with unique ID |
CUncertainValue | Value with standard deviation |
CVectorNavBinaryConverter | Converts VectorNavBinaryOutput |
CVectorNavBinaryOutput | IMU Observation storage class |
CVectorNavDataLogger | Data Logger for VectorNav observations |
CVectorNavFile | File Reader for Vector Nav log files |
►CVectorNavSensor | Vector Nav Sensor Class |
CTimeSync | Information needed to sync Master/Slave sensors |
CZenithDelay | Zenith delays and mapping factors |
►Nnlohmann | |
Cadl_serializer< std::variant< Args... > > | ADL serializer for JSON |
►Nspdlog | |
►Nsinks | |
Cdist_filter_sink | Distribution sink (mux) with filter option |
►Nstd | |
Chash< NAV::Code > | Hash function for Frequency (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::CycleSlipDetector::DualFrequencyCombination > | Hash function for DualFrequencyCombination (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::Frequency > | Hash function for Frequency (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::Frequency_ > | Hash function for Frequency (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::InsTime > | Hash function for InsTime (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SatelliteSystem > | Hash function for SatelliteSystem (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SatelliteSystem_ > | Hash function for SatelliteSystem (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SatId > | Hash function for SatId (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SatSigId > | Hash function for SatSigId (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SPP::Meas::Doppler > | Hash function (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SPP::Meas::Psr > | Hash function (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SPP::States::InterFreqBias > | Hash function (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SPP::States::InterSysBias > | Hash function (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::SPP::States::InterSysDrift > | Hash function (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< NAV::TimeSystem > | Hash function for TimeSystem (needed for unordered_map) |
Chash< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | A hash function used to hash a pair of any kind (needed for unordered_map) |
CCallbackTimer | Manages a thread which calls a specified function at a specified interval |
CLogger | Utility class for logging |